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Tim's Take On...

Oct 31, 2011

Sorry for the few days delay but here's my slightly rough and ready audio diary of my day trip to Brighton, UK back in June of 2011.

Oct 18, 2011

My first thoughts review of the last ever Sarah Jane Adventures "The Man Who Wasn't There" was clearly inspired by the late Steve Jobs, definetly a **sniff sniff** ending though as we know we'll never see any more episodes of this great Doctor Who spin off.

End theme is the Sarah Jane Adventures theme by Murray Gold.

Oct 11, 2011

My first thoughts review on the penultime Sarah Jane Adventures story "The Curse of Clyde Langer" written by Phil Ford. Great performances in this especially Daniel Anthony as Clyde and the story itself is a fast romp moving suspenceful romp.

End theme is the Sarah Jane Adventures theme by Murray Gold.

If you want to...

Oct 4, 2011

My first thoughts review of Sarah Jane Adventure S5 episode 1 "Sky" in which Sarah Jane adopts a new member of the scooby gang, also a few thoughts from the twitterverse.

End theme is The Sarah Jane Adventures theme by Murray Gold.

If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to

Oct 1, 2011

My first thoughts on this year's season finale The Wedding of River Song which tied things up nicely for season six.

End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here

If you want to send me comments or feedback you...